NAWCC-144 Info

Palmetoo State Chapter 144 Minutes — August 3, 2024

      I.    Meeting Opened at 10:55 a.m. by Dave Graley

  II.    Minutes: approved from June meeting

 III.    Treasurer’s Report:     The Treasurers report in the June meeting Minutes sent out before the

          meeting was wrong.  The corrected Total is $1,870.14 total funds available. $40 attendance

          and $20 donation were not included in total funds.  The correction was approved by unanimous


Treasurer’s Report for the August 3rd meeting: We are starting with $1866.59.

  IV.    Committee meeting reports: n/a

   V.    Old Business: none

 VI.    New Business: 

           a.    Vice President William McCoy asked the membership if they were interested in establishing a Chapter 144 web page or Facebook page. There is an annual $150 server space charge for a web page, but no charge for a Facebook page and it is easier to manage.  After some discussion the membership voted in favor of a Facebook page.  William will follow up.

 VII. Attendance Drawing:  Pot was $20 ($12 beginning bal. + $14 for each attendee). Mike Bratcher

        was the winner at 80% of the pot.  Mike donated the proceeds, $20, back to the chapter.  

        Next pot begins at $6.

 VIII.    Auction: N/A

    IX.    Program:   Ed Moore gave a very interesting presentation on the Self Winding Clock

              Company (SWCC), 1886 to about 1970.  The SWCC was one of the first companies to power

             its clocks with an electric motor instead of a spring.  Each clock received a signal from hourly

             central clock calibrated to the US Naval Observatory setting them precisely to the hour.

    X.    Adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted

Bob Auman, Secretary